

it's been one hell of a weekend. in a good way... i think. on friday, despite grand plans of paintball and alcohol, the land pirates ended up settling for a much more tame and land lubberish agenda : going to the movies and then to a new bar. well, the movie was sold out and the new bar sucked. it sucked in that "we're almost definitely going to get our asses kicked by some drunken rednecks" sort of way. so, we had to improvise. thus came about my first experience at the fabled VINYL dance club of huntsville, alabama. from the warehouse (drunken redneck bar) the pirates headed to good ol' crossroads to down a few pictures and shoot the shit. after a few games of pool, a mediocre set from Black Root Ensemble, and much debate, we ended up at vinyl... and i took my shot of jagermeister. vinyl wasn't anything special. i had a good time, but there weren't near as many wenches in the croud as i expected. the guys assured me that it was an abnormal night. SUDDENLY, i woke up on R's futon wondering where the fuck i was. i vaugely remembered something about fresh and fruity with extra tooty. i hope R didn't take advantage of me.

saturday, i finally made it to see dodgeball. stoner jodes, master of the six-string and rolling machine, and i went to see it gay-couple style. quite sub-par. at least i learned "cram it up your cram-hole". i'll be able to put that to good use. back at stoner jode's apartment, we received an invite to come hang out at the tavern with one of our uncommonly attractive female friends and some old-school upperclassmen chums. i didn't feel much like going -- mainly because i was still wondering if R took advantage of me the night before, and that's not something that you easily shake. i was able to fight off that demon and we fought our way through the basement bar. much debauchery and pirate-goodness ensued which i will not speak of here. however, i will say that i was coaxed into going somewhere that i always said i would never go -- and it was kind of fun.

sunday was boring. i finally watched spiderman. mary jane was quite boner-riffic. played van helsing on the ps2 until it locked up and i noticed it was midnight.

now it's monday. fuck.

oh yeah, and welcome to my blog. loser.