
update schmupdate

man, i had a good time this weekend. if ivan wants to come back to huntsville and leave another weekend like this behind him, i say come back once a week. two of the most beautiful days i've seen this year back-to-back.

friday's poker game was a lot of fun... i really enjoy playing poker with everyone. it's becoming one of my favorite things to do. after geoff finished everyone off (again), we headed to the big V so I could collect on my birthday gift (thanks geoff).

however, the greatest thing about this weekend was the unbelievable weather saturday and sunday. wow. geoff and i managed to get in 28 holes at two different courses, while jason and steve went hardcore stylee and clocked in a record 46 holes on 3 different courses -- and *still* made it back in time to see the spectacular finish of the auburn vs. lsu game at beauregards. i think steve's arm must have given out on the 46th hole, because he let loose a wild throw (by mistake, of course!) that pegged me in the cheekbone and darkened my vision for a few seconds. now i've got an awesome bruise on my cheek. disc golf injuries rule.

after much playing in the sun, drinking, and screaming at televisions, we continued poker with a game at the LPP... it ended up being another 4:30am game and Zac, me, and Katy just had to give up, cash in, and go to bed. i actually wanted to keep playing and take Zac out, but had to be democratic about it.

today (sunday), all i've done is study, clean the apartment, do laundry, wash my car, and study more. even with these horribly mundane tasks filling up all of my daylight hours, it was suprisingly enjoyable thanks to another day of perfect weather. wish i could have had time to play at least 9 holes.

now its time to get ready to hit the ground with the wheels spinning on another long, tiring week. hope everybody makes it through the weekdays in tact. especially you R -- be strong and hold out until we can get that E for ya, buddy. :)

wow this is one hell of a boring post! hah! you read all of that. DISSSSss!
i guess i owe you something: