
time to relax a bit. (yeah, right)

i'm seriously condsidering dropping this 5-week psychology 102 class. first of all, the real professor had a "family emergency" and some clueless woman is trying to teach it for the first two weeks. that's almost half of the class in a mini-mester. secondly, i already finished one 5 week course this summer and i'm still taking a 10-week. thirdly, i'm losing my friggen' mind. if i drop this course, i'll be able to relax a little bit until fall semester. i just hope i don't end up regretting the decision.

work has been adding a lot of stress lately. the promotion i just received means that i'm having to take in a lot more responsibility and also learn a new program. it's a pretty complex source-control program called "Clearcase". i have to learn it in and out because i will soon be the only "clearcase administrator" for Wilsonville, Longmont, Marlboro, and Huntsville. funny thing is, when my boss first approached me about the new job, he said i would just be helping the current administrator. now all of a sudden i'm told that he's getting a different job in the company, and i will be the only go-to guy after training.

i've seen this guy working major-overtime.
i've seen lines of developers outside of this guy's cubicle.
i've heard his phone ring all day long.
i'm not so excited anymore.

i don't see how these people ever expect me to get my degree. i swear i'll end up in an insane asylum screaming about dynamic views and interleave deltas at the rate i'm going.

oh well... suck it up, wes. you're such a little pansy boy.


grades back, new class, fast cash, hot ass.


so, i emailed one of my musical heroes, Bob Log III (pictured above)today. he is the songwriter of such classic hits as "clap your tits" and "ass computer".

i wrote him:

why aren't you touring, and if you are, why don't you have the dates on your website.

your website is full of suck.

clap your tits is my favorite song of all the universe. i want a free album, faggot.


to which he replied :

thanks yes my website is full of suck, but this
faggot gives no free albums to assholes.
thanks for liking clap your tits
now go bug another band
bob log

Bob Log III
P.O. Box 802
Tucson, AZ 85702
for world wide booking todd@leafygreen.com

to which i replied :


your responding so quickly made me feel like i was special and like you care about your fans.

now i feel morally obligated to purchase your fucking album. thanks a lot.

there is no other band i would like to bother, but i am not an asshole.

you did not answer my question about touring. i was hoping that you could. also. i want to pay you lots of money to play at my birthday party in huntsville, alabama. that is, if you aren't scared to come to huntsville alabama. which i bet you are. pussy.


there's no way that he's going to back down from that offer/taunt. so, i'm going to go ahead and make flyers and everything. come to my birthday party, the legendary bob log III is going to be there!

in other, much more boring news... i got a b+ in ethics, which means i'm more ethical than average. also, i started a new class (Psychology 102) and there are like 20 girls in there and 3 guys. it's pretty awesome. time to get back to math. love you kids.



i thought ruben would love this (and i laughed my ass off):


for more, visit Jay Pinkerton's Blog

paper writin', tantalizin', captivatin', devastatin'

well, i'm currently in the process of writing the last paper i will ever have to write in my life. i went from what i did this summer to on simone debeauvoire's ethics of ambiguity and the right to choose. neat. the only problem is, it's not coming along too well. it's the last paper of four in my five-week course on ethics. the other three went like this: B+, B, B+. i don't know if i stopped listening as well or if my professor stopped teaching as well, but i have no idea how to answer the questions i'm expected to in this, the final paper. the book sure doesn't help much, either. if i don't get at least a C on the paper, i won't be reimbursed for the class from my company, and therefore will be out about $500.00. i'm going to have to miss my ultimate frisbee game tonight just to finish. that sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

just shut the fuck up about the olsen twins. seriously.

"It Takes Time To Build"

If you don't like the news then press eject
Baby Davis getting older can't take a rain check
It's time to let'em know what we expect
Stop building SUV's strung out on OPEC
Hold up wait up you know we come correct
You wanna change things up, well hey just get set
It's easier to sit back than stick out your neck
It's easier to break things than build it correct
We've got a president we didn't elect
The Kyoto treaty he decided to neglect
And still the US just wants to flex
Keep doin' that wop we gonna break our necks

It takes a second to wreck it
It takes time to build
You gots to chill

Hate filled people wanna keep us in check
Tearin' down each other is what they expect
If you want love well hey that's a bet
We've got to give before we can get
Waiting like a batter who is on deck
When it's time to wreck shop then shop I'll wreck
So let's calibrate and check our specs
We need a little shift on over towards the left
I don't really know but I suspect
I think it's due time that we inspect
How they get their information and their facts are checked
Another press conference someone's talking out their neck

It takes a second to wreck it
It takes time to build
You gots to chill

So step up to the window and place your bets
Is the US gonna keep breaking necks
Maybe it's time that we impeach Tex
And the military muscle that he wants to flex
By the time Bush is done what will be left
Selling votes like E-pills at the discotheque
Environmental destruction and the national dept
But plenty of dollars left in the fat war chest
What the real deal why you can't connect
Why you hating people that you never met
Didn't your mama teach you to show some respect?
Why not open your mind for a sec?

It takes a second to wreck it
It takes time to build
You gots to chill


wtf. wtf. WTF?!

lollapalooza cancelled. there go my awesome birthday plans. this pisses me off ungodly-style. i have no clue how a concert with that many great bands could not have ticket sales good-enough to survive. sounds like stupid management to me. they couldn't have expected to sell out every date! i have to say this is the first time that my birthday party has ever been cancelled by a bunch of greedy rockstars. YOU CAN'T CANCEL MY BIRTHDAY!!!


that wild, high-mercury sound

wilco's new album "a ghost is born" finally comes out today. being that wilco is one of my favorite bands of all time, i'm excited to get it as soon as best buy opens its doors. it will be interesting to see what kind of music jeff tweedy made while constantly popping perscription pain killers. i'm sure it was also a lot of pressure coming off of yankee hotel foxtrot, an album in which the band almost completely redefined theirselves. it's almost like having to endure the "sophmore slump" all over again. and to me, it just feels like christmas morning!! how thpecial.


best day ever.

· i made a B+ on what i thought was the worst paper i had ever written.
· i recieved a gmail account from my friend jason
· i got a promotion and an awesome raise.
· heh. heh. heh.


it's been one hell of a weekend. in a good way... i think. on friday, despite grand plans of paintball and alcohol, the land pirates ended up settling for a much more tame and land lubberish agenda : going to the movies and then to a new bar. well, the movie was sold out and the new bar sucked. it sucked in that "we're almost definitely going to get our asses kicked by some drunken rednecks" sort of way. so, we had to improvise. thus came about my first experience at the fabled VINYL dance club of huntsville, alabama. from the warehouse (drunken redneck bar) the pirates headed to good ol' crossroads to down a few pictures and shoot the shit. after a few games of pool, a mediocre set from Black Root Ensemble, and much debate, we ended up at vinyl... and i took my shot of jagermeister. vinyl wasn't anything special. i had a good time, but there weren't near as many wenches in the croud as i expected. the guys assured me that it was an abnormal night. SUDDENLY, i woke up on R's futon wondering where the fuck i was. i vaugely remembered something about fresh and fruity with extra tooty. i hope R didn't take advantage of me.

saturday, i finally made it to see dodgeball. stoner jodes, master of the six-string and rolling machine, and i went to see it gay-couple style. quite sub-par. at least i learned "cram it up your cram-hole". i'll be able to put that to good use. back at stoner jode's apartment, we received an invite to come hang out at the tavern with one of our uncommonly attractive female friends and some old-school upperclassmen chums. i didn't feel much like going -- mainly because i was still wondering if R took advantage of me the night before, and that's not something that you easily shake. i was able to fight off that demon and we fought our way through the basement bar. much debauchery and pirate-goodness ensued which i will not speak of here. however, i will say that i was coaxed into going somewhere that i always said i would never go -- and it was kind of fun.

sunday was boring. i finally watched spiderman. mary jane was quite boner-riffic. played van helsing on the ps2 until it locked up and i noticed it was midnight.

now it's monday. fuck.

oh yeah, and welcome to my blog. loser.